Who We Are
AirportsUnited is a collaborative effort between Airports Council International - North America (ACI-NA) and the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) advocating for federal policies that strengthen our nation’s aviation infrastructure to meet the needs of today and the challenges of tomorrow. Together with our growing coalition of industry partners, AirportsUnited showcases the unity and resolve of airports across the country to enact our core policy goals, especially as we prepare for the upcoming FAA reauthorization debate in Congress. It also provides a platform for partners in our coalition to contact members of Congress and collectively lend their voices to our effort. Airports, contractors, vendors, retail establishments, restaurants, businesses, tourism groups, municipalities, and states all have a vested interest in ensuring that airports remain strong economic engines and job centers for their local communities. We have a great story to tell, and united we can share it.
Key Issues
Modernizing the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) and Regularly Adjusting It for Inflation
Maintaining and Growing the Infrastructure Investment Options for Airports
Expanding Air Service Options to Communities All Across America
Implementing New Technologies for a Safer and More Efficient Aviation System
Facilitating Speedier Passenger Movement through Homeland Security Checkpoints
Providing Superior Safety and Security to the Traveling Public